Showing posts with label labor day weekend events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label labor day weekend events. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2016’s 2016 Labor Day Weekend Guide

We're less than two weeks away from Labor Day, and Long Islanders are sure to have a lot of fun as they enjoy their holiday weekend. Many residents will certainly be having a backyard barbecue to send off the summer, and others will be heading out to some of the special events happening around the Island. Street fairs, historic walking tours, baseball outings, live concerts,  and stage shows will be but a few of the activities happening across LI over Labor Day Weekend!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015’s 2015 Labor Day Weekend Guide to Complete Summer Activities

Enjoy the last few days of summer! Soon before you know it Labor Day will arrive and that’s the unofficial mark to the end of summer. This year, Labor Day lands on September 7th (a little bit later on the calendar year), but even with summer coming to an end, there’s still plenty of summer activities to do over the three-day holiday weekend! 

On Long Island, there’s everything from festivals, fairs, live music performances, car shows, runs, walks, nature exploration outings to other fun activities to complete your summer.

Photo by Thiago Spada, via Free Images.