Dahlia Garden in Oakdale
The Bayard Cutting Arboretum in Oakdale has a beautiful Dahlia Garden.
The dahlias are in full bloom and spectacular in color and design.
Take a ride over there. For directions, visit their website: http://www.bayardcuttingarboretum.com/
From their website:
The Dahlia Garden is located in the easterly end of the park behind the Cow Barn. It was planted and is maintained by the LONG ISLAND DAHLIA SOCIETY. There are currently approximately 500 plants and over 400 varieties. This is one of the largest dahlia gardens on the east coast. The garden peaks in September and October. The LIDS holds flower shows at the Arboretum in the fall of each year. Membership in the society is available. For further information contact the Arboretum at 631-581-1002.